Pupil Council
Pupils’ Council Elections
Earlier this month, voting took place to elect this year’s Pupil Council Representatives. For the first time, the students elected Deputy Representatives in addition to their Lead Representatives. The Pupils’ Council Representatives were voted for by their classmates and are looking forward to being the voice of the students for the current school year.
Doves of Peace
Last week the Parents’ Association organised our annual “Onesie Walk”. The girls enjoyed a lovely sunny walk to Ballymastone where they were treated to a well-deserved ice cream!
In recognition of the wonderful contribution our Ukrainian students have made to the school since their arrival, the Pupils’ Council suggested that it would be a nice gesture if everyone wore a “Dove of Peace” on the walk. The girls took great care in designing and decorating their doves and discussing their significance. Along with their teachers and parent volunteers, they wore their doves with pride on their walk.
Active Yard Initiative!
The Pupils’ Council introduced the Active Yard Initiative last year, whereby they put together kits of sports equipment for active yard time. The Active Yard Boxes are brought out to yard to be used and enjoyed by the girls – so everyone is having fun and keeping warm, while also getting some valuable exercise!
The Pupils’ Council have recently added some brand new equipment to the Active Yard Boxes. The girls have put a lot of thought into what equipment was needed and will get the most use. They are looking forward to seeing their classmates enjoy the new and improved Active Yard Boxes!
Well done to the Pupils’ Council for their great work on this worthwhile initiative!
Writing Wonders
The Pupils’ Council are delighted to announce the publication of their literacy showcase “Writing Wonders” – displaying some wonderful writing by the girls of Scoil Phádraic Cailíní.
Writing Wonders features submissions from across all the classes in the school, and each edition is based on a different theme.
Past and current editions of Writing Wonders can be viewed and enjoyed here.
Pupils’ Council Meeting
Pupils’ Council Information Board
Pupils’ Council Newsletter November 2019
Outgoing Pupils’ Council Reps – thank you for your service!
What some of our Pupil’s Council have to say about their work:
From Isabelle Malone 5th class:
I really enjoyed being on the Student Council. When I first started I got to help with watering the class flowers. I loved doing that and more recently I got to help with the Active Flag. I really felt like I was helping the school in a small way, but I am glad that someone else will now get the chance to help the school as well. I hope they enjoy it as much as I did.
From Saoirse Lundberg 4th Class:
The student council was a great influence for me. It taught me how to speak up. I made new friends on the student council, I loved bringing the equipment out to the yard, I loved bringing the suggestions to the meetings and reading them. I loved everything.
I just want to thank Ms Bermingham and Ms Reidy for everything they did.
From Chloe Stanford:
Hi my name is Chloe I am in 4th class.
As a pupils council representative I will try to make the school a better place.
I will try and do this by being honest and kind and set an example to all the other pupils in the school .
If anyone has any suggestions for ways we could improve the school you can tell someone on the pupils council.
I will be suggesting that cooking and baking will be introduced for classes from 3rd to 6th.
And from Isabelle Malone:
Three things I like about the student council:
1. I like that everyone gets together to talk about making things better in the school.
2. I like that I get to meet new people from different classes.
3. I like that I get to bring ideas from my class to the student council.
One thing that could improve the student council meetings:
1. I have only been to two meetings but to make the meetings more fair, I would suggest that every member is given time to speak at each meeting.
Meet our Pupil’s Council members past and present!
Pupil’s Council meet with Alan Farrell TD